Himalayan Angelica Roots (Gandhreni)

Himalayan Angelica Roots (Gandhreni)

Amount : INR 500

Quntity :

Himalayan Angelica Roots (Gandhreni)

Himalayan 100% Pure Angelica Roots (Gandhreni)

Introducing our Himalayan Angelica Roots - a botanical marvel from the heart of the majestic Himalayas. Harvested with care, these roots hold the ancient wisdom of the region, known for their unique properties. Revered for centuries in traditional medicine, Himalayan Angelica Roots are celebrated for their potential wellness benefits. Rich in natural compounds, these roots offer a holistic addition to your herbal remedies.Gandrayani ( Angelica Glauca Edgew) is an aromatic root used mostly in Uttarakhandi cuisines as a flavouring agent in vegetables and pulses. Alternatively, it can be used also for tadka (tempering). Here, the root is powdered and is added to the tadka along with cumin seeds or mustard or garam masala. Roots are also used in the preparation of gin and liqueurs known as bitters. The root is used like hing (asafoetida), but its smell is not as overpowering as hing but it gives a distinct flavour to the food. A medicinal herb, it increases appetite and is used to cure stomach ailments. The roots of the plant are pungent, aromatic, diaphoretic and diuretic. It increases appetite and combined with tonics it is given in typhoid conditions, bronchitis, flatulence, colic and pain in stomach. 




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